Apple Varieties
RedRidge™ Gala is a brand new, 100% bright red Gala that ripens about 5 days ahead of it’s parent, Brookfield ® Gala. RedRidge™ Gala starts coloring as a small fruitlet and completes as a virtually 100% vibrant, bright red blush with exceptional quality and good size. RedRidge™ Gala colors better and finishes more beautifully than any Gala we’ve seen.
AB.1088 cv.
*USPP Pending
A unique red Gala sport discovered near Quincy, Washington, Foxtrot is known for its distinct high color and size, which tends to be larger than other Galas. Van Well Nursery® offers this selection through growing contract only. Please call for details.
U.S. Plant Patent No. 124664
Galaval is a new import from France and continues to be one of the most popular new strains in Europe. It is a red sport of Galaxy Gala overlaid with dark red stripes, making it a perfect choice for regions where color is a problem. Van Well Nursery® is proud to offer this through the International New Varieties Network (INN).
U.S. Plant Patent No. 119909
Gale Gala® is the "one -pick" Gala strain - the highest coloring Gala sport currently on the market! A whole tree sport of Royal Gala, this outstanding new strain has all the winning characteristics of its parent but has deeper red stripes and a fuller red color. Gale Gala® growers report one-pick harvests of this sport with packouts in the 95-100% Washington Extra Fancy grade for color. Gale Gala® is available only through Van Well Nursery.
Malaga cv.
This is the Summerland Red McIntosh. The fruit colors early with a deep red hue. A hardy and productive tree, it is sometimes used as a hardy understock for other apple varieties.
A sensational new sport of Red McIntosh, RubyMac® features a high vibrant blush color. The fruit develops its blush well ahead of other McIntosh strains. Many who have seen RubyMac® consider it to be the best coloring McIntosh on the market today. RubyMac® delivers consistent high-grade packouts. It has the same excellent quality, fruit firmness, and great taste and texture that made McIntosh a classic.
B. Thome cv.
U.S. Plant Patent No. 19891
This new, outstanding, scab-free variety is shaded a beautiful blushed red while the creamy white flesh is crunchy and juicy. The balance of tart and sweet gives it a distinct, rich flavor. It pollinates other diploids in the same season. The tree is spreading and easy to maintain, making it an ideal tree for fruit growers and homeowners. This variety is offered through a license by Adams County Nursery.
Co-op 39 cv.
U.S. Plant Patent No. 16622
A new blush-type selection of Honeycrisp with the same flavor and flesh texture as its popular parent but with better color and storage characteristics.
U.S. Plant Patent No. 22244
Honeycrisp ripens about a week after McIntosh and a few weeks ahead of Red Delicious. This variety is a cross between Macoun and Honeygold and was developed at the University of Minnesota. The skin is two-thirds mottled red with a straw background. Honeycrisp is mildly aromatic with juicy flavor. The tree is moderately vigorous and exhibits good winter hardiness.
An excellent dessert apple with a deep red skin. The flesh is juicy and flavorful and is similar in appearance to Red McIntosh. Macoun is good for home use, farmers markets, and fruit stands.
A new Italian cross of Gala and Elstar, Red Rubens® combines intense apple flavor with a pleasing sweetness. This scarlet mutation delivers on its name. The fruit is crisp, juicy, and conical in shape. A favorite in Europe, it is now available in the U.S.
U.S. Plant Patent No. 14177
Looking for early color in a Jonathan? Then look to Ruby Jon for red color that starts mid-July and finishes by August 1 in North Central Washington. That puts it well into the game before other Red Jonathan sports. The red striping over the greenish-yellow ground color makes a great presentation. And the fruit still has the slightly tart flavor Jonathan lovers want. Crisp, juicy and delicious.
Johnson cv.
Aromatic with a pleasing flavor, this chance seedling from British Columbia is fast becoming a breakout variety for growers. Fruit is medium to large with a creamy yellow background and pink blush on the sun-exposed side. Fruit is sweet and juicy. Now available to both U.S. and Canadian growers.
Attractive red fruit with excellent scab resistance, good fresh eating qualities and long storage life. Known to keep up to 9 months in storage. Created from a 'Honeycrisp' and 'Liberty' cross, a new release from the University of Minnesota.
MN.80 cv.
*USPP Pending
An exciting new apple cultivar from Washington State University’s apple breeding program, this large apple has a crisp flavor and flesh that doesn’t brown when cut. It bears heavy annual crops with a wide harvest window and can usually be picked in one go. Cosmic Crisp® is a managed cultivar only licensed for Washington State growers. At this time, Van Well Nursery® is only accepting orders of this cultivar from commercial fruit growers.
WA 38 cv.
U.S. Plant Patent No. 24210
Managed Cultivar
A solid blush strain of Cortland discovered in Waterville, Nova Scotia, Royal Court™ is a whole limb sport of the popular McIntosh-Ben Davis cross. It bears deeper red color blushed with mahogany. The skin color is a dynamic contrast to the white, crisp flesh and grows on a vigorous, hardy tree.
Hartencourt cv.
Predicted by Grady Auvil to revolutionize the Fuji market, this sensational strain matures about six weeks ahead of standard Red Fuji sports yet produces a higher percentage of Washington Extra Fancy fruit. The fruit flavor, tree structure, and growth habit appear to be identical to other Red Fuji strains.
Fuji 216 cv.
A whole-limb sport of Empire discovered in Wolcott, New York. The fruit produces significantly brighter and redder than its parents and presents a 75-90% deep purplish-red color with creamy white flesh that is moderately sub-acid. The tree is vigorous, upright, and has good crotch angles.
Teeple cv.
Gibson Golden is a smooth-skinned selection of the Golden Delicious that appears to russet less than standard Golden. The tree is vigorous, productive, and easy to handle. Like standard Golden, the fruit is sweet and juicy and of excellent type. Gibson is the only strain of Golden Delicious Van Well Nursery® propagates.
Now comes the next generation of America’s earliest, best coloring Red Delicious, Scarlet Spur II. Although Scarlet Spur II finishes coloring about three days earlier than its parent, it has all the winning characteristics of the original – dark mahogany color, crisp white flesh, excellent fruit production, and outstanding type.
Flinn cv.
A new, Van Well Nursery® exclusive. This early fall apple is a bred seedling from the heart of Michigan. It has an attractive full red blush and pinkish red flesh. The tree is standard in vigor and is a heavy annual producer. The fruit is large, and the flavor is tart with enough sweetness to make it a great out-of-hand eater.
*Patent Pending
Washington State University’s initial release from its apple breeding program, Sunrise Magic is a Gala and Splendour cross that harvests in late Red Delicious season, about a week later than Cosmic Crisp®. This new apple features a refreshing, crisp taste with flesh that is firm, crisp, and juicy. The apple is quite sharp at harvest, but sweetens in storage, where the fruit stores exceptionally well.
Managed Variety
Ludacrisp® is a late fall apple that stores well in regular cold storage. It was developed from an open-pollinated Sweet 16 and is a customer favorite!
MAIA-L cv.
U.S. Plant Patent No. 30,472
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*The price of some of the trees purchased by the buyer may include a plant patent and/or trademark royalty. In exchange for those royalty payments, the seller grants the buyer a limited, non-exclusive license to the tree for the sole purpose of growing, harvesting, and selling the crop obtained from the tree. This license does not include the right to axexually propagate the tree in any manner for any purpose.
The best of the early goldens, Ginger Gold® has all the qualities of Golden Delicious but ripens six to eight weeks earlier. It can be picked green, just as color begins to turn, and will ripen to an attractive yellow color. It has a sweet, tangy flavor and firm, crisp flesh.
Mt. Cove cv.